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How does an IPO affect my RSU/ISO taxes? How can you file your taxes for free? What is the difference between AMT and Regular Income Tax? How can AMT Credit offset your tax liability?

Read our informational articles for answers to these questions and much more!


Here's what's changed with the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) in 2022

With no major overhauls to deductions and limits, calculating your AMT remains relatively the same, with a few key…

IPO Taxes: How will you be taxed at your company's IPO?

From Stock Options to RSUs, Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) are typically momentus occasions for a company and it’s…

How to File Your Alternative Minimum Tax for Free (IRS Form 6251)

Filing taxes after you exercise Incentive Stock Options is a simple 3 step process. It’s easy to understand and best of…

How to claim your AMT Credit on your Tax Return (IRS Form 8801)

Reduce your tax bill dollar for dollar in under 5 minutes by claiming the Alternative Minimum Tax Credit on your tax…

What is the AMT Credit (IRS Form 8801)?

Paying AMT one year can lead to a large tax credit the next year. But not all cases apply - read more to find out where…

Introduction to the Incentive Stock Option (ISO)

Incentive Stock Options (ISOs) are just one of many employer sponsored equity programs we’ll be covering the in’s and…

What is the Alternative Minimum Tax?

Learn about the basics of this obscure tax system, common triggers that result in this tax, and ways to reduce your tax…

Incentive Stock Options - Qualifying vs Disqualifying Dispositions

These different rules have drastically different tax implications. Understanding the nuances can help you plan…

What is the State and Local Tax (SALT) Deduction?

Although it cannot be used as a deduction for the Alternative Minimum Tax, SALT does affect your regular income tax…

Differences between Alternative Minimum Tax and Regular Income Tax

Compare differences in the two tax systems to see how deductions, exemptions, and your tax bracket can significantly…

What is the Student Loan Interest Deduction?

Paying off student loans can be a bear, but the one good thing is that you can deduct some of the interest paid to…

How to Calculate the Alternative Minimum Tax

Walking you through a detailed step by step example of how to calculate your AMT. Follow along with your own numbers…

What is the Medical Expense Deduction?

Although it cannot be used as a deduction for the Alternative Minimum Tax, medical expenses do affect your regular…

What is the Mortgage Interest Deduction?

The interest you pay on your mortgage every month can have a significant impact on your tax burden, both for your…

Exchange Funds: How to Lower Your Capital Gains Tax Bill

For investors with Concentrated Stock Positions, learn whether Exchange Funds are right for you Last Updated: August 29,…