On average, people pay $30,849 in Alternative Minimum Tax every year



Here's what's changed with the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) in 2022

With no major overhauls to deductions and limits, calculating your AMT remains relatively the same, with a few key…

IPO Taxes: How will you be taxed at your company's IPO?

From Stock Options to RSUs, Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) are typically momentus occasions for a company and it’s…

How to File Your Alternative Minimum Tax for Free (IRS Form 6251)

Filing taxes after you exercise Incentive Stock Options is a simple 3 step process. It’s easy to understand and best of…

How to claim your AMT Credit on your Tax Return (IRS Form 8801)

Reduce your tax bill dollar for dollar in under 5 minutes by claiming the Alternative Minimum Tax Credit on your tax…